Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Community Service.

One thing in America that bothers me the most is medically uninsured Americans. According to statistics, in the United States their are currently about 47 milllion people without medical insurance and about 50 million people who are currently underinsured. That is a whole lot of people paying medical bills out of pocket or completely avoiding hospitals as much as possible. The one main thing that people are doing to help this is a bill called H.R. 676, which is a bill proposing national medical health. If this bill were to pass through then we could completely eliminate health insurance companies and all medical facilities would be funded by the government so we wouldn't have to pay for anything. The documentary SiCKO directed by Michael Moore really brought this issue to my attention. He filmed stories of people all across America that were either denied help from the insurance companies or didn't have insurance at all. He also filmed his interviews with people in Canada, Cuba and France, all of which have a national health system. One of the stories that really stuck in my mind was a story of a man that had kidney disease and his doctor told him that his chances of living would extremely increase if he got some kind of bone marrow treatment. His insurance wouldn't fund the treatment because they claimed that it was experimental. The man died not too long after that. The ways that I could help with this cause is to donate money, write a letter to a congressman, and to talk about the issue with anyone who will listen and help them to find ways that they can help too. In my opinion, everyone should watch the documentary SiCKO, it will really open your eyes.


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